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Informations of persons who shall lodge examinations, and shall be murdered or maimed, or kept by force from trials, shall be admitted as evidence.

5. And whereas it has happened that persons who have given information against
persons accused of crimes in Ireland have been murdered before trial of
persons accused, in order to prevent their giving evidence, and to effect the
acquittal of the accused: if any person who hath given or shall give
information or examination upon oath against any person or persons for any
offence against the laws hath been or shall before the trial or trials of the
person or persons respectively against whom such information or examination
hath been or shall be given be murdered or violently put to death, or so
maimed or forcibly carried away and secreted as not to be able to give
evidence on the trial of the person or persons against whom such information
or examination was given, the information or examination of such person so
taken on oath shall be admitted in all courts of justice in Ireland as
evidence on the trial or trials of the person or persons respectively against
whom such information or examination was given: Provided always, that the
information or examination of a witness secreted shall not be evidence, unless
it shall be found on a collateral issue (to be put to the jury trying the
prisoner), that the person so secreted was secreted by the person then on
trial, or by some person or persons acting for him or her, or in his or her

S.6 rep. by SLR (NI) 1954. S.7 rep. by 1865 c.33 s.4. Ss.8, 9 rep. by 1978
c.23 s.122(2) sch.7 Pt.I. S.10 rep. by SLR 1894

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