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Northern Irish Legislation

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Necessity shall justify offenders, provided they give information to a justice in time and manner herein mentioned.

2. Provided always, that any person or persons who may have been compelled by
inevitable necessity to commit any of the offences aforesaid, upon proof of
such inevitable necessity, shall be excused and justified: Provided that no
such inevitable necessity shall justify or excuse any such person or persons,
unless he, she, or they shall within ten days, if not prevented by actual
force or sickness, and then within seven days after such actual force or
sickness shall cease to disable him, her, or them from giving information of
the same, disclose to one of His Majesty's justices of the peace in the county
in which he, she, or they shall then be, by information on oath, the whole of
what he, she, or they know touching the compelling him, her, or them to commit
any such offence, and of the person or persons by whom he, she, or they were
compelled to commit such offence, and who were present at the time such
offence was committed, and of the place where the same was committed: Provided
however, that no person shall be so excluded from the defence of inevitable
necessity who shall be tried for the said offence within the said period of
ten days from the commission of such offence, or of seven days from the time
when such force or sickness shall cease as aforesaid.

S.3 rep. by 1967 c.18 (NI) s.15(2) sch.2 Pt.II

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