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Northern Irish Legislation

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Penalty on persons in Ireland administering or taking oaths for seditious purposes.

1.] Any person or persons who at any time after the passing of this Act shall
administer or cause to be administered, tender or cause to be tendered, or be
present aiding and assisting at the administering or tendering, or who shall
by threats, promises, persuasions, or other undue means cause, procure, or
induce to be taken by any person or persons in Ireland, upon a book or
otherwise, any oath or engagement importing to bind the person or persons
taking the same to be of any association, brotherhood, committee, society, or
confederacy whatsoever, in reality formed or to be formed for seditious
purposes, or to disturb the public peace, or to injure the persons or property
of any person or persons whatsoever, or to compel any person or persons
whatsoever to do or omit or refuse to do any act or acts whatsoever, under
whatever name, description, or pretence such association, brotherhood,
committee, society, or confederacy shall assume or pretend to be formed or
constituted, or any oath or engagement importing to bind the person taking the
same to obey the orders or rules or commands of any committee or other body of
men not lawfully constituted, or of any captain, leader, or commander (not
appointed by or under the authority of His Majesty, his heirs and successors),
or to assemble at the desire and command of any such captain, leader,
commander, or committee, or of any person or persons not having lawful
authority, or not to inform or give evidence against any brother, associate,
confederate, or other person, or not to reveal or discover his or her having
taken any illegal oath, or not to reveal or discover any illegal act done or
to be done, or not to discover any illegal oath or engagement which may be
administered or tendered to him or her, or the import thereof, whether such
oath shall be afterwards so administered or tendered or not, or whether he or
she shall take such oath or enter into such engagement or not, being by due
course of law convicted thereof, shall be adjudged guilty of felony and be
transported for life; and every person who shall take in Ireland any such oath
or engagement importing so to bind him or her as aforesaid, and being by due
course of law thereof convicted shall be adjudged guilty of felony and be
transported for seven years.

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