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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> TRADE UNION (AMALGAMATIONS, ETC.) ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1965

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1913 c.30

6.(1) Subject to this section, a trade union may change its name by any method
of doing so expressly provided for by its rules or, if its rules do not
expressly provide for a method of doing so, by adopting in accordance with its
rules an alteration of the provision in them which gives the union its name.

(2) In the case of a registered trade union, a change of name shall not take
effect until it is registered by the Registrar under this Act; and
the Registrar shall not register a change of name if it appears to him that
registration of the union under the proposed new name would be contrary to
section 13(3) of the Trade Union Act 1871 (which prohibits registration under
a name identical with, or too nearly resembling, that of another
registered trade union).

(3) Where a trade union changes its name, the change of name shall not affect
any right or obligation of the union or of any of its members, and any pending
legal proceedings may be continued by or against the trustees of the union or
any other officer of the union who can sue or be sued on its behalf,
notwithstanding its change of name.

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