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Northern Irish Legislation

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Powers of the constabulary force to arrest and detain disorderly persons.

90. In all cases in which the amount of any damages, costs, and expenses is by
this Act directed to be ascertained or recovered in a summary manner, the same
may be ascertained by and recovered before one or more justices, together with
such costs of the proceedings as the said justice or justices may think
proper; ...; and any penalty imposed by or under the authority of this Act, or
any byelaw made under this Act, the recovery whereof is not otherwise
expressly provided for, may, upon proof on oath of the offence in respect of
which the penalty is alleged to have been incurred, be recovered before one or
more justices, together with such costs of the proceedings as they may think

S.91 rep. by SLR 1973; 1979 NI19 art.19(2) sch.2; SLR 1980

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