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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> TOWNS IMPROVEMENT (IRELAND) ACT 1854

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Penalty for refusing to pay the fare and for damaging carriage.

88. The [district council] may from time to time (subject to the restrictions
of this Act) make byelaws for all or any of the purposes following; (that is
to say,)

For regulating the conduct of the proprietors and drivers of hackney carriages
plying within such prescribed distance in their several employments, and for
regulating the conduct of the owners and boatmen of boats plying for hire, and
determining whether such drivers and boatmen shall wear any and what badges,
and for regulating the hours within which they may exercise their calling:

For regulating the manner in which the number of each carriage, corresponding
with the number of its licence, shall be displayed:

For regulating the number of persons to be carried by hackney carriages and
boats, and in what manner such number is to be shown on such carriage and
boats, and what number of horses or other animals is to draw such carriage,
and the placing of check strings to the carriages, and the holding of the same
by the driver, and how hackney carriages and boats are to be furnished or

[Subject to the approval of the Department of the Environment as road
authority in relation to hackney carriages] for fixing the stands of hackney
carriages, and the distance to which they may be compelled to take passengers,
not exceeding such prescribed distance:

[Subject to the approval of the Department of the Environment as road
authority in relation to hackney carriages] for fixing the rates or fares, as
well for time as distance, to be paid for hackney carriages and boats plying
for hire for the carriage of passengers within such prescribed distance, and
for securing the due publication of such fares:

For securing the safe custody and re-delivery of any property accidentally
left in hackney carriages and boats, and fixing the charges to be made in
respect thereof:

For licensing porters, and regulating their fares.

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