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Northern Irish Legislation

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Penalty on drivers misbehaving.

86. If the driver of any hackney carriage leave it in any street, or at any
place of public resort or entertainment, without some one proper to take care
of it, any constable may drive away such hackney carriage, and deposit it at
some neighbouring livery stable or other place of safe custody; and such
driver shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding [#10] for such offence; and
in default of payment of the said penalty upon conviction, and of the expenses
of taking and keeping the said hackney carriage and horse or horses, the same,
or any of them, shall be sold by order of the justice before whom such
conviction is made; and after deducting from the produce of such sale the
amount of the said penalty, and of all costs and expenses, as well of the
proceedings before such justice as of the taking, keeping, and sale of such
hackney carriage, and of such horse or horses, the surplus (if any) of the
said produce shall be paid to the proprietor of such hackney carriage.

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