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Northern Irish Legislation

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Penalty for demanding more than legal fare.

85. If the driver or any other person having the care of any hackney carriage
be intoxicated while driving, or if any such driver or other person by wanton
and furious driving, or by any other wilful misconduct, injure or endanger any
person in his life, limbs, or property, he shall be liable to a penalty not
exceeding five pounds, and in default of payment thereof the justice before
whom he is convicted of such offence may commit him to prison, there to remain
for any time not exceeding two months; and any driver of any hackney carriage
who suffers the same to stand for hire across any street or alongside of any
other hackney carriage, or who refuses to give way, if he conveniently can, to
any other carriage, or who obstructs or hinders the driver of any other
carriage in taking up or setting down any person into or from such other
carriage, or who wrongfully in a forcible manner prevents or endeavours to
prevent the driver of any other hackney carriage from being hired, shall be
liable to a penalty not exceeding [#1]; and in every case in which any hurt or
damage has been caused to any person or property as aforesaid by the driver of
any carriage let to hire, the justice before whom such driver has been
convicted may direct that the proprietor of such carriage shall pay such sum
not exceeding five pounds as appears to such justice a reasonable compensation
for such hurt or damage; and every proprietor who pays any such compensation
as aforesaid may recover the same from the driver; and such compensation shall
be recoverable from such proprietor, and by him from such driver, as damages.

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