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Northern Irish Legislation

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What to be deemed hackney carriages.

79. The [district council] shall from time to time license to ply for hire,
within such prescribed distance, such hackney coaches or carriages, of any
kind or description adapted to the carriage of persons, as shall be necessary;
and for every such licence there shall be paid to the [council] such sum as
the [district council] direct, not exceeding [25p]: Provided, that before any
such licence is granted a requisition for the same, in such form as the
[district council] may provide for that purpose, shall be made and signed by
the proprietor or one of the proprietors of the hackney carriage in respect of
which such licence is applied for, and in every such requisition shall be
truly stated the name and surname and place of abode of the person applying
for such licence, and of every proprietor or part proprietor of such carriage;
and any person who on applying for such licence states in such requisition the
name of any person who is not a proprietor or part proprietor of such
carriage, and also any person who wilfully omits to specify truly in such
requisition as aforesaid the name of any person who is a proprietor or part
proprietor of such carriage, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding five

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