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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> TOWNS IMPROVEMENT (IRELAND) ACT 1854

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Power to impound stray cattle.

71. If any cattle be at any time found at large in any street of the
[district] without any person having the charge thereof, any constable or
officer of constabulary, or any person residing [in the district], may seize
and impound such cattle, and may detain the same until the owner thereof pay
to the [district council] a penalty not exceeding [#1], besides the reasonable
expenses of impounding and keeping such cattle; and if the said penalty and
expenses be not paid within three days after such impounding, ... the
[district council]... may proceed to sell such cattle, or cause the same to be
sold; but previous to such sale, then three days notice of such intended sale
shall be given by posting such notice on the constabulary barrack, pound, and
other place (if any) which may be appointed by the [district council] for that
purpose and the money arising from such sale, after deducting the said sums,
and the expenses aforesaid, and all other expenses attending the impounding,
keeping, and sale of any such cattle so impounded, shall be paid to the
[district council], and shall be by them paid, on demand, to the owner of the
cattle so sold.

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