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Incorporation of 1847 c.34 ss.125 131.

47. So much of the Towns Improvement Clauses Act, 1847, as relates to
slaughter-houses shall be incorporated with and form part of this Act:
[Provided always, that the rights, privileges, powers or authorities of any
persons incorporated or authorised by any local Act of Parliament passed
before the passing of this Act, for the purpose of making and maintaining
slaughter-houses for the accommodation of any city, town or place, shall not
be prejudiced or affected by the operation of this section save in so far as
any such right, privilege, power or authority is conferred by or enjoyed by
virtue of any provision of the local Act inconsistent with any provision of
the Slaughter-houses Act (Northern Ireland), 1953.]

Ss.48, 49 rep. by 1878 c.52 s.294 sch.A

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