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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> TRADE DISPUTES ACT 1906

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Short title and construction.

5.(1) This Act may be cited as the Trade Disputes Act, 1906, and the Trade
Union Acts, 1871 and 1876, and this Act may be cited together as the Trade
Union Acts, 1871 to 1906.

(2) In this Act the expression "trade union" has the same meaning as in the
Trade Union Acts, 1871 and 1876, and shall include any combination as therein
defined, notwithstanding that such combination may be the branch of a
trade union.

(3) In this Act and in the Conspiracy and Protection of Property Act, 1875,
the expression "trade dispute" [has the same meaning as in the Industrial
Relations (Northern Ireland) Order 1976], and the expression "workmen" means
all persons employed in trade or industry, whether or not in the employment of
the employer with whom a trade dispute arises. ....

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