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1967 c.37

3.(1) The Ministry, with the approval of the Ministry of Finance, may make
regulations, subject to affirmative resolution, amending the provisions of the
Ulster Transport Authority (Male Wages Grades) Pension Scheme established by
the Authority on 30th December 1963 and, as from the date or dates on which
any such regulations come into force, the Scheme shall have effect subject to
the amendments made by the regulations.

(2) Regulations shall be made under subsection (1) only in accordance with an
application for amendment of the Scheme made on behalf of the members of the
Scheme and where the Ministry and the Ministry of Finance are satisfied that,
if the amendments were not made, the members of the Scheme would be unable to
retain accrued rights to pensions which, if they had been members of the
Ulster Transport Authority Salaried Staff Superannuation Scheme, they would
have been entitled to retain under that Scheme.

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