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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> TRAMWAYS (IRELAND) AMENDMENT ACT 1881

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Alterations of 1860 c.152 s.6 and 1871 c.114.

7. Where any tramway is proposed to be laid alongside any public road it shall
not be necessary to construct as required by the sixth section of the
Tramways (Ireland) Act, 1860, and of the Act of 1871 the same on a level with
the said public road, provided that a clear roadway of eighteen feet is left
between the said tramway and the opposite footpath, or roadside boundary in
case there is no footpath, and that, in case any footpath be interfered with,
the promoters make another footpath in place of that interfered with; provided
also, that no such deviation from the ordinary level of the road shall be
permitted unless authorised by the Lord Lieutenant in Council and by the
[county council] ... or other authority empowered under the Tramway Acts to
grant permission for the construction of such tramway.

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