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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> TRAMWAYS (IRELAND) AMENDMENT ACT 1861

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An existing company may be empowered to execute the undertaking.

8. Instead of constituting a new company under the fifteenth section of the
said Act, the Lord Lieutenant in Council may, if he shall so think fit, and if
so desired by the promoters, empower any existing company incorporated by Act
of Parliament or charter, or constituted by any statute regulating joint stock
companies, to execute such undertaking, if it shall appear that such company
have power to provide the necessary capital and to apply the same to the
purposes of such undertaking; but no such order shall be deemed or taken to
authorize or sanction the employment by the said company for the purposes of
such undertaking, or of the application for the same, of any funds which
independently of such order they would not have power so to apply.

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