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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> TRAMWAYS (IRELAND) AMENDMENT ACT 1861

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County Council may give permission for tramway to cross a highway.

10. In any case in which persons constructing any tramway shall only seek
under the provisions of the said Act power to cross a highway, it shall be
lawful for the [county council], with the previous approbation of the
[quarterly meeting of the rural district council or an adjournment thereof]
held for the [county district] in which such proposed crossing is situate, to
give permission for such crossing to be made; and thereupon and immediately
upon such permission being given, and without any other approval, it shall be
lawful for the persons constructing such tramway to lay down the same across
any public road or roads for which permission shall have been so given; and it
shall be lawful for the [county council] to annex to such permission any
conditions or stipulations which to them shall seem fit; and in case such
permission shall be used by the promoters, they shall be bound by such
conditions and stipulations as if the same had been inserted in a special Act
of Parliament authorizing such crossing, and all persons interested in same
may have the same rights and remedies; and it shall be further lawful for the
[county council], if they shall so think fit, before such permission is acted
on, to require persons of sufficient substance, to be approved of as they may
direct, to enter into a bond to the secretary of the [county council], county
treasurer, or such other person as they may appoint, in such sum as they may
name conditioned for the observance of all such conditions and stipulations.

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