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Northern Irish Legislation

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Interpretation, notices, and short title.

9.(1) In this Act any expressions to which a special meaning is attached under
the Telegraph Acts, 1863 to 1907, or any of them, shall have the same
respective meanings in this Act; and the expression "hedge" or "bank" includes
any ditch adjoining to the hedge or bank and forming part of the boundary of
the street or public road, as if it was part of the hedge or bank.

(2) Section twelve of the Telegraph Act, 1878 (which relates to the printing,
authentication, and service of notices and other documents), shall apply for
the purposes of this Act as it applies for the purposes of that Act.

(3) This Act may be cited as the Telegraph (Construction) Act, 1908, and may
be cited with the Telegraph Acts, 1863 to 1907.

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