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Northern Irish Legislation

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Application of Acts to licensee of Post Office.

5.(1) [The Post Office may authorise the holder of a licence granted, or
having effect as if it had been granted, under section 27(1) of the Post
Office Act 1969 (in this section referred to as " licensee') during the time
and within the area specified in the authority to exercise all or any of the
powers which are conferred on the Post Office by the Telegraph Acts 1863 and
1878], and thereupon the enactments conferring those powers or relating to the
exercise thereof, including any penal provisions, shall apply accordingly.

[(2) Provided that, notwithstanding anything in the Telegraph Act, 1878, a
licensee shall not exercise any powers under the said enactments in any
district without the consent of the district council and shall be subject to
any terms and conditions which the district council may attach to any such
consent and shall comply with any regulations of the district council from
time to time in force in relation to telegraphic lines.]

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