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Northern Irish Legislation

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Differences generally to be determined by a county court subject to appeal to High Court.

4. Where

(a)any difference arises under this Act or the Telegraph Act, 1863, between
the [Post Office] and any body or person having any power, jurisdiction, or
control over or relating to a street or public road, or having power under the
last mentioned Act to give or withhold a consent to the placing of telegraphs
and posts in, under, upon, along, over, or across a street or public road; or

(b)any other difference arises under this Act, except a difference between the
[Post Office] and any body or person having any right, power, jurisdiction, or
authority in, over, or relating to any estuary, or branch of the sea, or the
shore, or bed of any tidal water;

Provided that an appeal shall lie to the High Court from any determination
under this section of a county court and any such appeal shall be by way of
re-hearing before a single judge who shall be designated from time to time by
the Lord Chief Justice.

(3) In the application of this section to Northern Ireland, for the first
reference to a county court there shall be substituted a reference to the
county court having jurisdiction within the district in which the difference
has arisen; for the reference to the Lord Chief Justice there shall be
substituted a reference to the Lord Chief Justice of Northern Ireland; ...].

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