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Northern Irish Legislation

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Amendment of 1863 c.112 as to consents.

3. Where any body or person (within the meaning of the Telegraph Act, 1863,)
having power under the said Act to give or withhold their consent to the [Post
Office] placing telegraphs and posts (within the meaning of the said Act) in,
under, upon, along, over, or across a street or public road, or any estuary or
branch of the sea, or the shore or bed of any tidal water, or where any
proprietors, lessees, directors, or persons having the control of any railway
or canal (within the meaning of the said Act), and having power under the said
Act to give or withhold a consent to the [Post Office] placing telegraphs and
posts under, in, upon, along, or across such railway or canal, fail within
twenty-one days after being required to do so by the [Post Office] to give
their consent, or attach to their consent any terms, conditions, or
stipulations to which the [Post Office] objects, or withdraw a consent, a
difference shall be deemed to have arisen between the [Post Office] and such
body or person, proprietors, lessees, directors, or persons (as the case may
be), and that difference shall be determined in manner hereinafter provided;
and the authority by whom the difference is to be determined may, if after
hearing all parties concerned they think it just, give their consent either
unconditionally or subject to such pecuniary or other terms, conditions, and
stipulations as they may think just; and that consent shall for all purposes
be of the same effect as if it were a consent given under the
Telegraph Act, 1863, to the [Post Office] by such body or person, proprietors,
lessees, directors, or persons.[

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