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Northern Irish Legislation

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Saving existing rights.

13. Nothing in this Act contained shall vary or prejudicially affect the
rights or obligations subsisting at the time of the passing of this Act, of
any Railway or Canal Company, or of the Postmaster General respectively, under
the provisions of the Telegraphs Acts, 1868 and 1869, or under any deed,
agreement, or award made between any Railway or Canal Company and the
Postmaster General, whether confirmed by or made in pursuance of the Telegraph
Acts; and in regard to all railways and canals now existing or authorised, the
provisions of the Telegraph Acts, 1868 and 1869, shall not be affected by
this Act ...: Provided always, that, notwithstanding the incorporation of the
Telegraph Act, 1863, with the Telegraph Act, 1868, the provisions of the
Telegraph Act, 1863, shall not be deemed to be provisions of the Telegraph
Acts, 1868 and 1869, or either of those Acts, within the meaning of this
section, or any part thereof. 

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