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Northern Irish Legislation

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Provision as to gas and water pipes.

8. In the exercise of the aforesaid powers, the [Post Office] shall also be
subject to the following restrictions:

(1)They shall cause as little detriment or inconvenience as circumstances
admit to the body or person to or by whom any pipe for the supply of water or
gas belongs or is used:

(2)Before they alter the position of any such pipe, they shall give to the
body to whom the same belongs notice of their intention to do so, specifying
the time at which they will begin to do so; such notice to be given
twenty-four hours at least before the commencement of the work for effecting
such alteration:

(3)The [Post Office] shall not execute such work except under the
superintendence of the body to whom such pipe belongs, unless such body
refuses or neglects to give such superintendence at the time specified in the
notice for the commencement of the work, or discontinues the same during the
work; and the [Post Office] shall execute such work to the reasonable
satisfaction of such body:

(4)The [Post Office] shall pay all reasonable expenses to which such body may
be put on account of such superintendence:

Post Office not to place telegraphs under streets without consent of bodies
having control of the streets.

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