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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> TELEGRAPH ACT 1863

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6. Subject to the restrictions and provisions herein-after contained, the
[Post Office] may execute works as follows:

(1)They may place and maintain a telegraph under any street or public road,
and may alter or remove the same:

(2)They may place and maintain a telegraph over, along, or across any street
or public road, and place and maintain posts in or upon any street or
public road, and may alter or remove the same:

(3)They may, for the purposes aforesaid, open or break up any street or
public road, and alter the position thereunder of any pipe (not being a main)
for the supply of water or gas:

(4)They may place and maintain a telegraph and posts under, in, upon, over,
along, or across any land or building, or any railway or canal, or any estuary
or branch of the sea, or the shore or bed of any tidal water, and may alter or
remove the same:

Provision as to compensation.

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