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Northern Irish Legislation

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Provisions as to notices and consents.

5. The following provisions shall apply to notices and consents under
this Act:

(1)Every notice or consent shall be in writing or print, or partly in writing
and partly in print:

(2)Any notice to or by the [Post Office] or a body having the control of a
street or public road, or of the sewerage or drainage thereunder, may be given
to or by the secretary, clerk, or surveyor, or other like officer (if any) of
the [Post Office] or of such body, as the case may be:

(3)Any consent may be given on such pecuniary or other terms or conditions
(being in themselves lawful), or subject to such stipulations as to the time
or mode of execution of any work, or as to the removal or alteration, in any
event, of any work, or as to any other thing connected with or relative to any
work, as the person or body giving consent thinks fit.

General description of works which a telegraph company may execute, subject to
the restrictions of this Act.

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