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Interpretation of terms.

3. In this Act

Definition rep. by 1969 c.48 s.137 sch.8 Pt.I

The term "telegraph" means a wire or wires used for the purpose of telegraphic
communication, with any casing, coating, tube, or pipe inclosing the same, and
any apparatus connected therewith for the purpose of telegraphic

The term "post" means a post, pole, standard, stay, strut, or other
above-ground contrivance for carrying, suspending, or supporting a telegraph:

The term "work" includes telegraphs and posts:

The term "street" means a public way situate within a city, town, or village,
or between lands continuously built upon on either side, and repaired at the
public expense, or at the expense of any turnpike or other public trust, or
ratione tenur', including the footpaths of such way, and any bridge forming
part thereof:

The term "public road" means a public highway for carriages being repaired at
the public expense, or at the expense of any turnpike or other public trust,
or ratione tenur', and not being a street, including the footpaths of such
public highway, and any bridge forming part thereof, and also any land by the
side and forming part of such a public highway, but not including a railway or

The term "railway" includes any station, work, or building connected with a

The term "canal" includes navigation or navigable river, and any dock, basin,
towing-path, wharf, work, or building connected with a canal:

The term "land" means land not being a street or public road, and not being
land by the side and forming part of a public road, and includes land laid out
for and proposed by the owner to be converted into a street or public road:

The term "body" includes a body of trustees or commissioners, municipal
corporation, grand jury, board, vestry, company, or society whether
incorporated or not; and any provision referring to a body applies to a
person, as the case may require:

The term "person" includes corporation aggregate or sole:

Definition rep. by SLR 1893

The term "justice" means justice of the peace acting for the place where the
matter requiring the cognizance of any such justice arises:

Definition rep. by SLR 1980

Incorporation of 1845 c.20 in part.

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