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Northern Irish Legislation

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Powers of Board of Trade respecting the objection.

27. On hearing any such objection the Board of Trade

(1)may allow the objection, wholly or in part; or

(2)may authorize the [Post Office] to proceed with their works, subject to the
provisions of this Act, according to their published notice, paying to the
owner, lessee, or occupier objecting full compensation (the amount thereof to
be determined, in case of difference, by the Board of Trade) for any damage
done to him; or

(3)may authorize the [Post Office] to so proceed subject to any such
conditions as to the time or mode of execution of any work, or as to the
removal or alteration in any event of any work, or as to any other thing
connected with or relative to any work, as the Board of Trade thinks fit; or

(4)may authorize the [Post Office] to so proceed subject to any such
modification of any intended work as the Board of Trade prescribes; but so
that in that case such notice and opportunity of objection and being heard as
the Board of Trade directs shall be given to any owner, lessee, or occupier
whom such modification may affect.

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