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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> TELEGRAPH ACT 1863

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Notices to be published, and left at dwelling houses, of intended telegraph along street or public road after consent of street or road authority obtained.

23. Before the [Post Office] proceeds to place a telegraph over, along, or
across a street... or a public road, or to place posts in or upon a street...
or a public road they shall publish a notice stating that they have obtained
the consent in that behalf of the body having the control of the street or
public road, and describing the intended course of the telegraph,

(1)By affixing such notice on some conspicuous places by the side of the part
of the street or road affected, at distances of not more than one mile apart:

(2)By leaving such notice at every dwelling house fronting on the part of the
street or road affected, and being within fifty feet thereof:

(3)By inserting such notice as an advertisement once at least in each of two
successive weeks in some one and the same local newspaper circulating in the
neighbourhood of the part of the street or road affected:

Power to owner or occupier of adjoining land or building to object.

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