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Northern Irish Legislation

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19. Whenever the permanent surface or soil of any street or public road is
broken up or opened by the [Post Office], it shall be lawful for the body
having the control of the street or road, in case they think it expedient so
to do, to fill in the ground, and to make good the pavement or surface or soil
so broken up or opened, and to carry away the rubbish occasioned thereby,
instead of permitting such work to be done by the [Post Office]; and the costs
and expenses of filling in such ground, and of making good the pavement or
soil so broken up or opened, shall be repaid on demand to the body having the
control of the street or road by the [Post Office], and in default thereof may
be recovered by the body having the control of the street or road from the
[Post Office] as a penalty is or may be recoverable from the [Post Office].

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