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Northern Irish Legislation

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Streets and public roads to be restored, &c. and kept in repair for six months.

18. Subject to any such special stipulations as aforesaid, after the [Post
Office] has opened or broken up a street or public road, they shall be under
the following further obligations:

(1)They shall, with all convenient speed, complete the work on account of
which they opened or broke up the same, and fill in the ground, and make good
the surface, and generally restore the street or public road to as good a
condition as that in which it was before being opened or broken up, and carry
away all rubbish occasioned thereby:

(2)They shall in the meantime cause the place where the street or public road
is opened or broken up to be fenced and watched, and to be properly lighted at

(3)They shall pay all reasonable expenses of keeping the street or public road
in good repair for six months after the same is restored, so far as such
expenses may be increased by such opening or breaking up:Power to street or
road authorities to execute works and charge the expenses to the Post Office.

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