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Northern Irish Legislation

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17. Subject to any special stipulations made with [the Post Office] by the
body having the control of a street or public road, and to any determinations,
orders, or directions of the justices or sheriff as aforesaid, where the [Post
Office] proceeds to open or break up a street or public road, the following
provisions shall take effect:

(1)The [Post Office] shall give to the bodies between whom respectively and
the [Post Office] the depth, course, and position of a telegraph under such
street or public road are herein-before required to be settled or determined,
notice of their intention to open or break up such street or public road,
specifying the time at which they will begin to do sosuch notice to be given,
in the case of an underground work, ten days at least, and in the case of an
aboveground work five days at least before the commencement of the work;
except in case of emergency, in which case notice of the work proposed shall
be given as soon as may be after the commencement thereof:

(2)The [Post Office] shall not (save in case of emergency) open or break up
any street or public road, except under the superintendence of the bodies to
whom respectively notice is by the present section required to be given,
unless such bodies respectively refuse or neglect to give such superintendence
at the time specified in the notice for the commencement of the work, or
discontinue the same during the work:

(3)The [Post Office] shall pay all reasonable expenses to which such bodies
respectively may be put on account of such superintendence.

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