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Northern Irish Legislation

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Where land-owner, &c. is liable to repair of street, &c. Post Office not to place works in such street, &c. without consent. >Height of telegraphs crossing streets.

13. Where any landowner or other person is liable for the repair of any street
or public road (notwithstanding that the same is dedicated to the public), the
[Post Office] shall not place any work under, in, upon, over, along, or across
such street or public road, except with the consent of such landowner or other
person, in addition to the consent of the body having the control of such
street or public road, where under this Act such last-mentioned consent is
required: Provided, that where the [Post Office] places a telegraph across or
over any street or public road, they shall not place it so low as to stop,
hinder, or interfere with the passage for any purpose whatsoever along the
street or public road.

In case of abandonment of works, &c. street or road authority or owner of land
may remove them.

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