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Northern Irish Legislation

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Post Office not to place a telegraph over or along a street or road without consent, &c.

12. The [Post Office] shall not place a telegraph over, along, or across a
street or public road, or a post in or upon a street or public road, except
with the consent of the body having the control of such street or public road;
and where a public road passes through or by the side of any park or pleasure
grounds, and where a public road crosses, by means of a bridge or viaduct, or
abuts on any ornamental water belonging to any park or pleasure grounds, and
where a public road crosses or abuts on a private drive through any park or
pleasure grounds, or to any mansion, the [Post Office] shall not, without, or
otherwise than in accordance with, the consent of the owner, lessee, and
occupier of such park, pleasure grounds, or mansion, place any work above
ground on such public road.

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