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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> SUMMARY JURISDICTION (IRELAND) ACT 1851

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8. Any person who shall commit any of the next following offences shall be
liable to a fine not exceeding [50p], and in default of payment thereof at
such time as the justices shall fix shall be liable to be imprisoned for a
period not exceeding one week:1.Any person who shall wilfully trespass in any
field, garden, pleasure ground, wood, plantation, or other place, and shall
neglect or refuse to leave any such place after he shall have been warned to
do so by the owner, or by the caretaker or servant of the owner, or by any
person authorized in that behalf by the owner:

2.Any person who shall again trespass in any such place within three months
from the time when any such warning shall have been so given to him:

Penalty for obstructing operations on roads.

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