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Northern Irish Legislation

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Summons for the driver, &c. of stage carriage left with the book-keeper, &c. to be good service.

16. The decision of certain disputes between employers and the persons
employed by them shall be subject to the following provisions:

Paras.1, 2 rep. by 1953 c.3 (NI) s.51 sch.43.In every case where any such
master or employer shall intrust his business to the management and
superintendence of any steward, agent, bailiff, foreman, or manager it shall
be lawful for the justices to summon such steward, agent, bailiff, foreman, or
manager to appear at petty sessions, and to hear and determine the matter of
the complaint in such and the like manner as complaints of the like nature
against any master or employer, and to make an order for the payment by such
steward, agent, bailiff, foreman, or manager, to the complainant, of such sum
or compensation as shall be justly due to him; and in case of refusal or
nonpayment of any such sum or compensation at such time as shall be directed
by such justices, it shall be lawful for them to issue a warrant to levy the
same by distress and sale of the goods of such master or employer:

Para.4 rep. by 1867 c.141 sch.1; 1875 c.86 s.175.Any servant or other person
who shall hire or engage with any master or other person under any false or
forged discharge or certificate of character, shall be liable to forfeit all
the wages which shall be due to him by such master or person at the time of
his conviction, and shall also be liable to a fine not exceeding five pounds,
and in default of payment to be imprisoned for a term not exceeding three

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