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Northern Irish Legislation

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Drivers refusing to tell owners' names.

13. Any person who shall on any public road or street commit any of the next
following offences shall (in addition to any civil action to which he may make
himself liable) be also liable to the punishment herein-after specified in
each case:

Para.1 rep. by 1968 c.19 (NI) s.20 sch.; para.2 rep. by 1970 c.2 (NI) s.192
sch.5; para.3 rep. by 1980 NI 11 art.64(2) sch.9Negligent driving, &c.

4. Any person riding any horse or animal, or driving any sort of carriage, who
shall ride or drive the same furiously on any public road or street so as to
endanger any passenger or person, or who shall by carelessness or wilful
misbehaviour cause any injury to any person or property on any public road or
street, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding [#20].5.And no cart, dray,
waggon, or other such carriage, and no hackney car or carriage, or car or
carriage let on hire, travelling on any public road or street, shall be driven
by any person who shall not be of the full age of thirteen years, under a
penalty not exceeding [#10], to be paid by the owner of such carriage.

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