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Northern Irish Legislation

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Drivers leaving their horses until a proper person shall stand at their head, or allowing others to drive, &c.

12. Any of the persons herein-after mentioned who shall commit any of the next
following offences on any public road, or in any street of a town, shall (in
addition to any civil action to which he may subject himself) be liable to a
fine not exceeding [#5].(1) Any owner of any cart, car, dray, or other such
carriage used for the conveyance of goods, who shall use or allow the same to
be used on any public road or street without having his name and residence
painted upon some conspicuous part of the right or off side of such carriage,
in legible letters not less than one inch in height, and in a different colour
from the ground on which the same is painted, and in words at length, or who
shall paint or cause to be painted any false or fictitious name or residence
on such carriage:2.Any person who shall act as the driver or have the sole
charge of more than one such carriage as last aforesaid on any public road or
street, unless in the cases where two of such carriages and no more shall be
drawn each by one horse only, and the horse of the hinder of such carriages
shall be attached by a sufficient rein to the back of the foremost of such
carriages:3.Any person having the care and charge of any such carriage as last
aforesaid, who shall ride upon the same, or upon any horse drawing the same,
on any public road or street, except where he shall be accompanied by some
other person on foot or on horseback to guide the same, or where such carriage
shall be driven with reins, and be conducted by some person holding the reins
of all the horses drawing the same:4. Any driver of any such carriage as last
aforesaid who shall negligently or wilfully be at such distance from such
carriage, or in such a situation, that he cannot have the direction of the
horse or horses drawing the same, or who shall leave any such carriage on such
road or street so as to obstruct the passage thereof:5.Any driver of any such
carriage as last aforesaid not having the owner's name thereon as hereby
required, and remaining legible thereon, who shall refuse to tell or to
discover the true christian and surname and residence of the owner of such

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