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Northern Irish Legislation

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11. Any of the persons herein-after mentioned who shall commit any of the next
following offences on any public road or in any street ... shall (in addition
to any civil action to which he may subject himself) be liable to a fine not
exceeding [#2]:Justices, &c. may stop carriages in order to measure seats.

1. Any driver, owner, or guard of any coach, omnibus, car, caravan, or other
carriage, by what name soever the same is or shall hereafter be called or
known, which shall be employed as a public stage carriage for conveying
passengers for hire, who shall permit more passengers to be carried by the
same than the number for whom seats shall be respectively provided, inside or
outside of the same, allowing a space of at least sixteen inches for each
passenger, over and above the space allotted to the driver and guard when
there is a guard; but no child under seven years of age shall be included in
or counted as one of such number; and it shall be lawful for any justice,
county inspector, sub-inspector, head or other constable, to stop any such
carriage which shall appear to carry a greater number of passengers than the
above, and to measure the seats of the same, in order to ascertain whether
sufficient space has been allotted to the passengers:2. Any driver, owner, or
guard of any such public stage carriage, who shall allow any passenger to sit
upon the top of any luggage, or upon any part of such carriage not intended to
carry passengers, or who shall carry or permit or suffer any parcel or parcels
of luggage whatever exceeding two feet in height above the roof to be conveyed
on any such carriage carrying inside passengers:3. Any person who shall keep
and employ any such public stage carriage, and who shall not paint or cause to
be painted on the outside of the door, or of each door when there shall be
more than one, of such carriage, or on some other conspicuous part of such
carriage where there shall be no door, in legible letters of at least one inch
in height, and in a different colour from the ground on which the same is
painted, and in words at length, the number of passengers which such carriage
shall be intended to carry, together with the name or names of the person or
persons or firm of the company of proprietors to whom such carriage shall
belong, or who shall cause any such carriage as aforesaid to be employed or
used for carrying any passengers for hire without having the said words
painted in such manner as is herein-before directed:4.Any driver or guard of
any such public stage carriage who shall wilfully mis-spend or lose time on
the road, or who shall use abusive or insulting language to any passengers, or
who by reason of intoxication, negligence, or other misconduct, shall endanger
the passengers in their lives or their property, or the property of any other
person with which they may be intrusted, or who shall demand or exact more
than the proper fare due from any passenger; and in any such case the justices
may, in addition to the fine, order such offender to repay to any party so
aggrieved any sum so exacted, or a reasonable compensation for any damage or
loss caused by any such offence:5.Any driver of any such public stage carriage
who shall (at any place or places where assistance can be procured) quit his
horse or horses, or the box of such carriage, until a proper person or persons
shall stand at the head of the horse or horses or fore horse or fore horses,
or shall hold the reins so as to prevent them from running away; or any such
last-mentioned person or persons who shall not remain at their head or hold
the reins until the driver has returned to his box; or any driver of any such
carriage who shall intrust the reins to any other person to drive such
carriage, or any person who shall so take such reins and drive such carriage.

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