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78.(1) Subject to the provisions of this Article, every solicitor who holds a
practising certificate which is in force shall have all the powers conferred
by any enactment on a commissioner for oaths including section 24 of the
Stamp Duties Management Act 1891; and any reference to such a commissioner in
an enactment or instrument (including an enactment passed or instrument made
after the commencement of this Article) shall include a reference to such a
solicitor unless the context otherwise requires.

(2) A solicitor shall not exercise the powers conferred by this Article in a
proceeding in which he is solicitor to any of the parties, or in which he is

(3) A solicitor before whom any oath or affidavit is taken or made shall state
in the jurat or attestation at which place and on what date the oath or
affidavit is taken or made.

(4) A document containing such a statement and purporting to be sealed or
signed by a solicitor shall be admitted in evidence without proof of the seal
or signature, and without proof that he is a solicitor or that he holds a
practising certificate which is in force.

Para.(5) rep. by 1978 c.23 s.122(2) sch.7 Pt.III

Arts.79, 80 rep. by 1978 c.23 s.122(2) sch.7 Pt.III

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