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Northern Irish Legislation

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Register books and forms to be provided.

6. The Registrar General shall cause to be provided such number of register
books and forms as shall be necessary to the execution of this Act; and the
said register books shall be durable materials, and in them shall be printed
on each side of every leaf the heads of information herein required to be
known and registered in respect of marriages; and every page of each of such
books shall be numbered progressively from the beginning to the end of the
book, beginning with number one, and every place of entry shall be also
numbered progressively from the beginning to the end of the book, beginning
with number one, and every entry shall be divided from the following entry by
a printed line; and the Registrar General shall furnish for the use of the
registrars a sufficient number of register books of marriages and such other
forms as may from time to time be required for the purposes of this Act.

Ss.710 rep. by 1956 c.5 (NI) s.19 sch.

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