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7.Subs.(1) rep. by 1910 c.8 s.96(1) sch.6

(2) Any document referring to any Act or enactment repealed by the
Stamp Act, 1891, shall unless the context otherwise requires be construed to
refer to that Act or the corresponding enactment in that Act.

Subs.(3) rep. by SLR 1908

(4) The expression "instrument" in section nine of the Stamp Act, 1891,
includes any postal packet within the meaning of the Post Office Protection
Act, 1884, and sub-section two of the said section is hereby repealed.

(5) Any fine incurred under section nine of the Stamp Act, 1891, may be
recovered summarily, subject to the like right of appeal as in the case of any
fine under any Act relating to the excise.

(6) Section twenty-four of the Stamp Duties Management Act, 1891, is hereby
declared to apply to affidavits and oaths as well as to statutory

S.8 rep. by 1970 c.21 (NI) s.19 sch.3 Pt.III

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