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Amendment of 1891 c.38 s.22.

10.(1) Whenever the Commissioners of Inland Revenue give public notice in the
London, Edinburgh, and [Belfast] Gazettes that the use of any die, as defined
by the Stamp Duties Management Act, 1891, has been discontinued, then, whether
a new die has been provided or not, from and after any day to be stated in the
notice (that day not being within one month after the notice is so published),
that die shall not be a lawful die for denoting the payment of duty, and every
instrument first executed by any person, or bearing date, after the day so
stated in the notice, and stamped with duty denoted by the discontinued die,
shall be deemed to be not duly stamped.

(2) The provisoes to section twenty-two of the
Stamp Duties Management Act, 1891, shall apply, subject to the necessary
modifications, where a notice is published under this section in the same
manner as they apply where a notice is published under that section.

Subs.(3) rep. by 1969 c.48 s.141 sch.11 Pt.II

S.11 rep. by 1952 c.44 s.320 sch.12 Pt.I

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