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Power to make rules as to disposal of valueless documents.

8.(1) The Minister of Finance, with such approval as is hereinafter in this
section mentioned, may, if he thinks fit, make rules respecting the disposal
by destruction or otherwise of documents which are deposited in or can under
this Act be removed to the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland as
Northern Ireland records, and which are not of sufficient public value to
justify their preservation in the said Public Record Office. Such rules shall

(a)so far as they relate to documents of any court, be made with the approval
of the Lord Chief Justice of Northern Ireland; and

(b)so far as they relate to documents removed or about to be removed to the
said Public Record Office from any Government department or public office in
Northern Ireland, be made with the approval of the head of such department or
the principal officer of such office.

(2) Before the power of disposal given by this section is exercised as to any
documents, the Minister of Finance shall cause a schedule to be prepared of
the documents proposed to be disposed of, showing a list of these documents
and such particulars as to their character and contents as may be calculated
to enable the Houses of Parliament to judge of the expediency of disposing of
such documents in the proposed manner. Where there are several documents of
the same class or description, it shall be sufficient to classify them, as far
as practicable, according to their nature and contents, instead of specifying
each document separately. Such schedule shall be laid before both Houses of
Parliament, and if, during the next ten days on which either House shall sit,
a resolution is passed by either House requiring the preservation of any
scheduled record, such record shall not be disposed of.

(3) No rule made in pursuance of this section shall provide for the disposal
of any documents of older date than the year eighteen hundred.

(4) Every rule made in pursuance of this section shall be laid before both
Houses of Parliament within twenty-one days after it is made, if Parliament be
then sitting, and, if not sitting, within twenty-one days after the next
meeting of Parliament, and if neither House of Parliament within twenty-one
days after the rule has been laid before it presents an Address praying the
Governor of Northern Ireland to withhold his assent from the rule, the
Governor of Northern Ireland, may, by Order in Council, approve of the rule.
Every such rule, when approved by Order of the Governor in Council, shall,
subject to revocation or alteration by a subsequent rule, have effect as if it
were enacted in this Act.

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