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Seal of Record Office, certified copies of records, and effect of same.

6.(1) The Minister of Finance shall cause to be made a seal of the Public
Record Office of Northern Ireland, and shall cause to be sealed or stamped
therewith all certified copies, made as hereinafter in this section provided,
of any Northern Ireland records in his custody.

(2) The Minister of Finance or Deputy Keeper of the Records of Northern
Ireland may allow copies to be made of any Northern Ireland record in the
custody of that Minister, at the request and cost of any person desiring to
procure the same, and any copy so made shall be examined and certified as a
true and authentic copy by the said Deputy Keeper of the Records, or by such
officer of the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland as the Minister of
Finance may appoint for that purpose, and shall be sealed or stamped with the
seal of the said Public Record Office without any proof of the seal or stamp
or of the signature, or official character of the person purporting to have
signed the same, and shall be delivered to the person for whose use the copy
was made.

(3) Every copy of a Northern Ireland record in the custody of the Minister of
Finance, certified under this section and purporting to be sealed or stamped
with the seal of the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, shall be
received as evidence in any court of justice and before any legal tribunal in
Northern Ireland, and before either House of the Parliament of Northern
Ireland or any committee of either or both of those Houses, without any
further or other proof thereof, in every case in which the original record
could have been received there as evidence.

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