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Northern Irish Legislation

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Removal of accumulating records to Record Office.

3. The Minister of Finance shall by warrant under his hand from time to time
appoint a fit person to attend all courts, Government departments or offices
in Northern Ireland and in his name to receive and take charge of all Northern
Ireland records of which the charge and superintendence are by this Act vested
in the Minister of Finance, and the judge of the court or principal officer of
the department or office to which any Northern Ireland records belong, upon
sight of the warrant of the person thereby appointed to take charge of the
Northern Ireland records to be delivered from that court, department or office
into the custody of the Minister of Finance, shall give the necessary orders
to the proper officer of his court, department or office for the delivery
thereof. As soon as such Northern Ireland records have been so delivered to
the person appointed to receive them in pursuance of such warrant, such
Northern Ireland records shall be deemed to be in the custody of the Minister
of Finance and shall forthwith be removed to and deposited in the Public
Record Office of Northern Ireland, and shall be subject to the rules made
under this Act; and the person receiving any such Northern Ireland records
shall thereupon deliver the schedule thereof and receipt for the same under
his hand to the judge or officer from whom he receives them, and shall deliver
a copy of such schedule to the Minister of Finance or to the officer appointed
by the Minister of Finance to receive the same into the said Public Record

Provided that

(a)in the case of Northern Ireland records forming part of the records of any
court of justice, no such warrant shall be issued by the Minister of Finance
without the approval and countersignature of the Lord Chief Justice of
Northern Ireland;

(b)every such warrant shall specify and describe the Northern Ireland records
intended to be delivered to the person thereby authorised to receive them;

(c)the Minister of Finance shall not issue any such warrant for the removal of
any Northern Ireland records unless or until the records described in such
warrant are of the age of twenty years from the making thereof, or, if the
records are under that age, unless the removal thereof has been requested by
the judge of the court or principal officer of the department or office to
which they belong, and, in the case of records of a court, with the approval
also of the Lord Chief Justice of Northern Ireland;

(d)if it appears to the judge of any court, with the approval of the Lord
Chief Justice of Northern Ireland, or to the principal officer of any
Government department or office, that it will be conducive to the ends of
justice or to the due performance of the business of such court, department or
office that any records belonging thereto should not be delivered into the
custody of the Minister of Finance at the end of twenty years from the making
thereof, it shall be lawful for such judge or principal officer to certify in
writing accordingly to the Minister of Finance, and the Minister of Finance
upon receiving such certificate may from year to year, but not for any time
longer than a year without a new certificate, withhold the issue of any
warrant for the removal into his custody of the records mentioned in such

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