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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> PURCHASE OF LAND (IRELAND) ACT 1891

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Power to Land Commission to claim possession of holding.

25. Whenever the Land Commission are entitled to cause any holding to be sold
for the non-payment of any sum due to them, they may, if they think fit, apply
to the High Court, ... for an order [entitling them to] possession of such
holding, and it shall be lawful for such court, if it sees fit, and upon
hearing such evidence as is offered, to issue an order accordingly,.... Any
order made under this section shall be subject to the same right of appeal as
now by law exists from any order of the said court. The court shall ascertain
and determine in such proceeding the amount due to the Land Commission, and
if, within the time limited by such order, the person against whom such order
is made shall pay to the Land Commission the amount so found due, together
with the cost of such proceedings, the Land Commission shall certify
accordingly and such order shall not issue or be [enforced pursuant to the
Judgments Enforcement (Northern Ireland) Order 1981.]

S.26 rep. by SLR 1950. S.27 rep. by SLR 1976. S.28 rep. by SLR 1950; SLR 1976.
S.29 rep. by 1896 c.47 s.52 sch.2; SLR 1950. Ss.3032 rep. by SLR 1950. S.33
rep. by SLR 1976

Interpretation of terms.

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