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Terms of repayment of advances.

4. With respect to advances to be made under this Act, or to be made under the
Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) Act, 1870, or the
Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1881,... the provisions of Part Five of the
Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1881, shall be amended as follows:

(a)Every such advance shall be repaid by an annuity in favour of the Land
Commission for forty-nine years, of four pounds for every hundred pounds of
such advance, and so in proportion for any less sum, instead of by the annuity
mentioned in the said Act.

(b)Every such annuity, or any portion of it at any time outstanding, may be
redeemed in whole or in part by the person liable to pay such annuity, by
payment to the Land Commission of a sum equivalent to the then value of such
annuity or of such portion of it as is sought to be redeemed....

Para.(c) rep. by 1887 c.33 s.18(2)

(d)Subject to the amendments contained in this Act, the provisions of Part
Five of the said Act shall apply to all advances under this Act.

Where a holding is sold by the Land Judges to the tenant of that holding, the
sale may, for the purpose of advances under this Act, and of guarantee
deposits under this Act, be deemed to be a sale by a landlord to a tenant.

S.5 rep. by 1903 c.37 s.103 sch.; SLR 1950. S.6 rep. by SLR 1950. S.7 rep. by
1903 c.37 s.103 sch.

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