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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> PUBLIC ORDER ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1951

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1.(1) Any person or persons intending to organise or form a public procession
(other than a public procession which is customarily held along a particular
route) shall, not less than [one hundred and twenty] hours before the proposed
time of commencement of the procession, give written notice thereof, and of
the route proposed to be taken and of such proposed time, to a district
inspector, head constable or sergeant of the Royal Ulster Constabulary by
leaving the notice with him at the constabulary station nearest to the
proposed place of commencement of the procession.

(2) Any person organising or conducting or attempting to conduct [or knowingly
taking part in] a public procession

(a)in respect of which due notice has not been given under this section; or

(b)otherwise than in accordance with such a notice;

(3) In this section the expression "public procession" does not include a
funeral [or a procession organised by or on behalf of, and in furtherance of
the lawful industrial objects of, a trade union].

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