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Northern Irish Legislation

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His Majesty may abolish certain offices and constitute one office in place thereof.

1.] It shall be lawful for His Majesty, by warrant under the royal sign
manual, countersigned by the Treasury, to abolish the said offices of receiver
and paymaster general of His Majesty's guards, garrisons, and land forces, of
paymaster and treasurer of all moneys for the maintenance or relief of the
disabled and superannuated non-commissioned officers and soldiers entertained
in His Majesty's royal hospital near Chelsea, of treasurer of His Majesty's
royal navy, and of treasurer of His Majesty's ordnance; and in place of the
said several offices to constitute and appoint one office for the discharge of
the duties now executed in the several offices so authorized to be abolished.

S.2 rep. by SLR 1874

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