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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> PRIZE COURTS ACT 1915

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1.(1) Where proceedings are pending in any prize court... the court may at any
stage of the proceedings, on application being made by the proper officer of
the Crown, and upon being satisfied that the proceedings... would be more
conveniently conducted in any other prize court, make an order remitting the
proceedings... to such other prize court.

(2) Where any proceedings have been remitted to another prize court that other
court shall have the same jurisdiction to deal with the matter as if the
subject-matter of those proceedings had originally been seized within its
jurisdiction or been brought within its jurisdiction after capture, and any
order or other steps made or taken in those proceedings before the order of
remission shall be deemed to have been made or taken by or in that court.

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