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46.(1) Nothing in this Act shall affect the jurisdiction or responsibility of
an under-sheriff in respect of prisoners under sentence of death or his
jurisdiction or control over the prison where such prisoners are confined, and
over the officers thereof, so far as may be necessary for the purpose of
carrying into effect the sentence of death, or for any purpose relating
thereto; and in any prison in which sentence of death is required to be
carried into effect on any prisoner, the under-sheriff shall, for the purposes
of carrying the sentence into execution, be deemed to have the same
jurisdiction with respect to such prison as he would by law have had if
this Act had not been passed.

(2) References in the preceding sub-section to an under-sheriff shall include
references to his lawful deputy.

Subs.(3) rep. in pt. by SLR 1973; SI 1973/2163 art.14(2) sch.6, residue amends
1868 c.24

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